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Welcome to my food blog! Ahhh!

Oh my God, hi. Thanks for coming to my blog. I like to cook and I like to show off so I thought I'd combine my gluttony and narcissism to create this blog. I don't want to start off by lying to you, my new friend. The truth is I have started and abandoned 3 blogs in my life and 1 of those 3 was a recipe blog. I don't know what my deal is - I have a problem finishing things I start. I hope this time it's a little different but who's to say! 

I recently finished graduate school (which I was doing while working and which I will be a martyr about, for at least another few months) and I've been spending most of my extra time cooking. My cooking, of late, has fallen into two categories - simple, vegetable-focused dishes or my mom's food. I've been cooking a lot of different cuisines (albeit not always authentic) but as I get older, making sure I preserve some of my family's regional East Indian recipes has become more and more important to me. So you'll see a good number of recipes with ingredients and combinations unfamiliar in the States but I hope you'll try them out and see what real Indian people eat at home!

Lastly, I am probably the laziest person you'll meet but somehow, it doesn't translate to food. I'm all for a quick weeknight meal but generally, I like doing things the "right way" when cooking and taking my time. Everything I make won't be 30 minutes or less but if you ask my husband aka recipe tester, it will be worth the wait (*hair flip*). 

Anyway, that's enough about me. Let's get to food, bros/ladies/gender non-conforming individuals!